Find the joy!

Every single day is a gift! I challenge you to find the joy in every single day!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Day 45

Sorry! Here's where I've been for the last 3 days! Poor Ron our 1st Valentines Day ends up in the ER with me admitted for an appendectomy! Yay me! :-(. Anyway it's over and I'm fine.

1) Health!!!!
2) Ron, who never left my side
3) the rest of my family,who loved me even tho

Monday, February 13, 2012

Day 42

Did I ever tell you about this guy?
He's my best friend,my soulmate and the only man I've ever loved.Or ever will.
He loves me and respects me and honors me.
And he's never left me. Not even when he should have.
So now I told you about this guy,
I love him
1) This Guy

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Day 41

Today in church our pastor again cautioned us about the uses of social media. He was particular in talking to us about the things that we post,and how those things reflect the glory of God. I've been considering this all day. I hope in my postings and tweets I've remembered that I'm the princess that my God wants me to be. I hope that I never said anything hurtful or rude or scathing to any of you. And if I did... I apologize.
1) the togetherness that social media has provided for
2) the blessed friends I have AGAIN, d/t social media
3) My Father in heaven who will, yet again, forgive me

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Day 40

Good Movie, Great Friends!!!
1) Friends who get it!
2) Quiet dark theaters that give us space to breath
3) A Father who understands our weakness for entertainment!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Day 39

See what's been blooming in my kitchen!!! For over a week now. Isn't it lovely? It's on these incredible cuttings Ron's sister gave me. I have had them hardening in water for several weeks and they are just about ready for dirt. And you say...why are you sharing this?
Look at the beauty my Father has given me!!! In the midst of this grey winter, He remind me of sunshine, grass, trees, and glorious FLOWERS! How blessed am I?

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Day 38

We started our Bible Study tonight. The Resolution for Women. AMAZING!
1) that I go to a church with such strong,beautiful princess' of heaven!
2)that the women in my church are all about strengthening our relationships with God
3) that we are learning to build on the blessing "blocks" we've been given!!!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Day 37

just some more images from winter jam!
1) that I'm here to witness this revolution
2) that the Lord shows me our hope so tangibly
3) that some of these amazing kids are MINE!!!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Day 34,35,36,

Sorry! I am! I just wanted to say how blessed I am and still I failed! so sorry!!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Day 33

You should hear this boy sing!!! He is amazing!!! He is also my baby brother Eric! And a published author
go check him out!
1)my weirdly,amazing and wonderful brothers
2) friends
3) that I am fearfully and wonderfully made!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Day 32

This is Ron and my little sweet boy we sponsered at Winter Jam! Isn't he beautiful!!!?
Y'all can help a child too, and you can do it today! Just go to Holt Internationals website.
1) that I live in accordance to God's plan for me and that it all fits so wonderfully!
2)That we are able to help this beloved boy
Y'all pray for my sweet boy! All of them!!!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Day 31

Wow! All I can say is wow!
1) 12,000 people gathered in one place praising God!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Days 28,29,30

Sorry!!! Life just got me!
1) The life I have that's getting me is a blessing!
2) My God gives me the strength and the fortitude to cope with my life!!!
3) That God has never given me more than I can bear!